These days, simply having a website isn’t enough. As a matter of fact, your old, clunky website could be doing you more harm than good, in terms of attracting and retaining customers. If you really want your website to help your business, you need to make sure your web design in Los Angeles CA not only looks great, but also functions beautifully on multiple platforms and plays nice with the search engines.

We Design Gorgeous Websites

This is LA. Looks matter. In one of the art and fashion capitals of the world, you have to project an image of style and class. You don’t want an outdated web design scaring off your customers by making them think you’re unprofessional or hopelessly out of touch. Webstract Marketing can help. We can take your existing website and revamp it or create a new site completely from scratch. While we do have a library of pre-made custom designs just waiting to be filled with your content, please don’t imagine that means we buy into the “one-size-fits-all” model. Our pre-made designs are just a starting point and we’re happy to tweak and revise them until you are 100 percent satisfied with the look and feel of your new website.

We Know Mobile Web Design in Los Angeles CA

Walk down the street in LA, and you’re sure to see tons of people glued to their smartphones. They’re not just talking, texting, and playing games, they’re also searching the web. Without a website that displays properly on this tiny screen, you could be losing out on a big share of your customer base. This is especially true for any sort of business with an emergency service or rapid response aspect, as customers are even more likely to need to find you on the go. At Webstract Marketing, we know the mobile platform inside and out. We can provide a brand spanking new mobile web design in Los Angeles CA that will not only look great on a small screen, but also rank well with the specific technologies used by search apps on mobile devices and tablets.

We Get Results

Having a web design that looks great will help you retain customers, but only if those customers manage to find your site in the first place. That’s where Webstract Marketing’s website development and SEO magic comes into play. Our skilled developers crunch code until your website performs perfectly every time, delivering a seamless, glitch-free customer experience. This includes any custom web tools or apps that you may need us to build for your site. Plus, we make sure everything that the search engines need to find and love your website is present on the back end, so that your site can soar to the top of your local search rankings.