There is a lot of advice out there on how to run a successful small business social media campaign – and we have given a lot of that advice! This wealth of information is great for those who want to master the field but what about companies who do not want to invest hours and hours in the process. For them, we have compiled the only truly essential things they must know. If you want to narrow down your responsibilities even further, let a digital marketing company take over for you altogether.
- You must stay consistent
- You must be active
- Remember to have fun
- Consider reaching out to brand ambassadors
- It pays to be picky
One of the most important tips is that your voice and style is consistent. If you want to create a worthwhile relationship with your clients then they need to know what they can count on you for regarding content. Does this mean all posts should sound the same? No, but it does mean that you want to create a brand and culture that others can identify with.
To some this is an obvious point, but too often we see clients who throw up a few social medial posts and then ignore any comments they get on them. They may post a few dozen posts each month but all within a few hours. We recommend creating a monthly calendar that keeps you consistent and monitoring your accounts for comments and mentions each day.
At the end of the day, your goal may be to reach new customers but those people are there to have fun. You do not want to be a company that is simply bombarding potential customers with marketing, marketing, marketing. Find fun content and share it. Make your story part of the content. If your company is quirky or unusual, don’t be afraid to let that show.
One of the easiest ways to jumpstart your social media campaign is to involve brand ambassadors. How involved they are is up to you. In some cases, it may be as simple as sending out a free product to be reviewed by a highly-followed person, or it can involve hiring popular online folks to create events to promote your company.
One of the downsides to having a large social media platform is that you’re in the same spot as your competitors. This does not mean you should post more than them, it means you should post better than them. The old adage of “quality over quantity” definitely applies in the world of social media.
The reality is that the world of social media marketing is not only difficult to master in the first place, it is ever changing. The easiest way to handle this is to turn it over to a company who can run it all for you. Interested in learning more about your options? Contact Webstract at 855-201-5800 today.