Now is always the right time to take a look at your company’s marketing strategies to make sure you’re doing the best job possible. If you have not already taken advantage of our free website analysis then we suggest you get ahold of Webstract right now. Otherwise, keep reading for a few simple tips on freshening up your marketing plans.
Take a look at your security settings
You already know that protecting data and privacy are important so this tip is even more important than usual: Take a few minutes to look at your company’s online security settings. This includes looking at who has security clearance and dropping anyone who no longer works for the company and looking at the security settings of each of your social media accounts. If it has been more than six months since changing passwords on any social media account, then do so now.
Take a look at your call to actions
CTAs – otherwise known as calls to action – are important for an overall marketing strategy. After all, it’s not enough to tell potential clients or customers that you exist – you also want them to know what to do with that information. Once a year or more often you should take a look at the CTAs on your website to make sure they are still valid. Does your “Contact Us” link still go to the right place? Is the correct address listed? Do you have old events listed on your Facebook page? The more up to date your site is, the more likely a person will be to trust your company.
Go through your inbox
If you are like most people, you check your email and voicemail regularly, but there are always those things that get put into the “later” pile, whether physically or mentally. There is no better time than right now to go through that “later” pile. Do this not just on your email but in your inboxes for social media accounts too. If you see a message that sound have been addressed but wasn’t, remember that responding late is better than not responding at all.
Freshen up your content
Website content works best when it is timely and fresh. Blogging once or twice a week is a great way to keep your website active on Google. If you have not updated your website in months then now is a great time to hire a copywriter to add some interesting content that will be as useful to current clients as it is to potential new ones.
If you are ready to update your marketing strategy then we look forward to working with you. At Webstract we have the experience, resources, and passion to ensure that each of our clients gets the individualized attention they need. Contact us right now to get started.