Video may have killed the radio star, but it’s taken a lot longer to slay the notions that it can only provide value to big business. Many small companies may have felt that in that past, bolstering their advertising content with custom video was just too great of an expense to justify. Those who tried to tackle the task of creating their own content found themselves limited by a lack of resources or the technology of the time.
SEO and Video: A Match Made in Heaven
Well, the times have changed. You may currently be neck-deep in what you believe to be an effective SEO campaign, yet you’d be surprised to learn just how much having video content can affect those efforts. If Google’s decision to buy YouTube for a cool $1.65 billion is any indication, then having a video can only bolster anything that you’re currently doing with SEO. After all, since that purchase, Google has updated their own algorithms to allow sites that have video to have a reserved place right at the top of the first page of all organic web searches.
Formatting Options
Given this link between effective video content and successful SEO, you and your company might do well to consider what goes into creating successful online video content. Simply offering content isn’t enough, it has to be engaging. Surprisingly, one of the factors that has the greatest influence on customer engagement is the format in which the content is presented. Typically, ads can be displayed in the three following formats:
- In-stream: In-stream content is that which plays at the beginning or middle of other content. While this doesn’t allow the customer the option to not view the ad, some may find having to wait and see their desired content somewhat off-putting.
- Click-to-play: These videos display when a page first loads and gives the viewer the option of viewing the ad or not. The key to grabbing their attention is to offer a captivating static opening image that invites them to learn more about you through the video.
- TrueView: Available through YouTube, TrueView offers in-display ads that viewers can choose to either view to their completion or skip entirely. This form of content offers two unique benefits:
- You only pay when viewers choose not to skip the ad
- Much like SEO, you can structure the content availability around specific keywords and phrases.
Again, users may find seeing unwanted ads frustrating, but given that they’re often relevant to the content that they’re viewing, you’re more likely to capture their attention.
Custom video content can work wonders for your business. Your customers have spoken, and they’ve said they want to see your products in action on your website before they’ll think about opening their wallets. Trust the team at Webstract Marketing to provide you with quality video content that’s both affordable and effective at generating new business. To see how we can incorporate video content into your online marketing, call us today at 855-201-5800.