You can trust that we will work diligently and tirelessly to create a website that’s exactly what you’re looking for. While we have a streamlined process that takes into consideration the things you want along with what works in this industry, there are a few steps you can take to help us better understand what you’re in search of. Read on to read them and then reach out to Webstract for help with your website design.
- Be as clear as you can
- Give your designer some wiggle room
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions
- Beware of too many cooks in the kitchen
- Hear us out
No matter how big or small your ideas are, be as clear as you can be. Talk to your designer about your goals and your vision. Even if all you have is a loose idea or just a feeling you want your website to give visitors. You do want to share these thoughts but you don’t want to overcomplicate the process. Be clear about timelines and other goals as well.
Do you want your designer to have some direction? Yes, you do – but you also want to give them some wiggle room. If you put too many restrictions on their process then you could end up squandering the best parts of their ideas. You don’t want visuals that are boring. You don’t want your website to look just like the competition. Let your designer do what they do best: Create.
It’s true that web designers and web developers have a language all their own. This leads some clients to feel wary of asking questions. Their concerns involve worrying that they won’t be understood, feeling ignorant, or not being able to get their own point across. At Webstract, we want you to feel comfortable asking questions. If there’s anything you’re not sure about, we’re happy to clarify. In fact, the earlier you ask questions, the more we can help you get just what you want.
It’s wise to be careful not to have too many people involved in the process. If you have a senior executive giving the designer one set of directions, and another person come in and offer a different direction, then there may be a problem. Of course, there may be numerous people within your company who need to be involved. However, it may make more sense to have one point person who works with your designer.
At the end of the day, you are the only one who needs to like what we design for you. That said, we recommend not saying “no” without listening to our visit. There may be an element that’s not to your liking, but if your website’s target demographic is different than you, then there may be valid reasons to add certain elements. Of course, it’s up to you – but let us make our case before deciding something’s not right for your website.