If your website doesn’t have a custom video then it’s time to seriously consider adding one. In this day and age, anything a company can do to increase their online presence is worth the investment and custom video is a great example. Read on to learn five reasons it’s a great idea and then contact Webstract at 855-201-5800 for an estimate.
- It’s a great way to get your message across quickly
- It gets visitors engaged with your content
- Custom video can increase web traffic
- It showcases the personality of your company
- Be unique within your field
Most visitors to a website simply scan the information written there. Having a custom video posted is a great way to give them the fastest possible access to all the information you want them to have – in an easy-to digest way. It’s not true that video should be there instead of written content, but supplementing good copywriting with a custom video is a great way to strength your message.
When your website visitors check out videos on your page, they’re more likely to remember it. Why? Because multiple methods of getting your message across – visually, audibly, and through the words themselves – requires the user to focus with several parts of the brain – which increases retention. The longer potential clients or customers are engaged with your content, the more they’ll be interested in your product. Remember that video doesn’t just tell visitors to your website what you have to offer – it shows them.
Search engines generally prioritize websites with newer content, whether it’s a video, blog post, press release, etc. When you add content, you’re likely to see an increase in search engine rankings right after. Remember as well that Google owns YouTube, so when you add videos there that go back to your website, you’re even more likely to see increases in your web traffic numbers.
No matter what you want people to know about your company, whether it’s that you have decades of experience and take their business seriously, or that you’re a new start-up with a goofy, friendly, and funny staff, custom video is a great way to get that across. When a potential customer or client sees the faces of the people they’d be working with, it can help build trust.
Do your competitors have custom videos on their websites? If they do, then you’re already behind the times – but now is a great time to speed up. On the other hand, if they don’t have custom video, then you can be ahead of the curve. Don’t wait to be a follower – start the trend yourself.
If you want more visitors to your website, for those visitors to be more engaged, and to get your company’s message across in a direct way, then custom video may be the best bet for you. To learn more about professional video services, please reach out to Webstract at 855-201-5800.